
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of ChicagoEFT, a non-profit organization affiliated with ICEEFT (the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy). Membership in our local chapter affords you special bonuses, including opportunities for connection and support not available to non-members. Your membership dues help defray the cost of our trainings and our public-awareness-building efforts.

We currently offer two membership levels, each with their own eligibility requirements and benefits:

Standard Membership

This membership level is available to licensed therapists who have completed an Externship or Essentials in EFT, and are current members of ICEEFT, and are publicly listed on ICEEFT’s Therapist Directory. (Join ICEEFT or update your ICEEFT membership here:; be sure to activate your listing on your ICEEFT Account Profile page.)

The benefits of Standard Membership in ChicagoEFT include the following:

    • A profile on our online Therapist Directory — a popular resource for couples seeking EFT-trained therapists, as well as for therapists who want to make referrals to EFT practitioners;
    • The opportunity to participate in our online Forum, a place for support and information regarding everything from Referrals to Teletherapy to the EFT Learning Process;
    • Discounts on our Local Learnings, Master Classes, and other special programs; and
    • Free access to ICEEFT training videos owned by ChicagoEFT members and stored in our members-only online library.


Student Membership

This membership level is available to students currently enrolled in graduate degree programs in a mental-health-related field who are not yet licensed clinicians and want to support the EFT mission. Completion of an Externship or Essentials in EFT is required, as is student membership in ICEEFT. Student members qualify for discounts on eligible trainings, but not for a listing on our online Therapist Directory.


If you have any questions about membership in ChicagoEFT, please contact us at  We look forward to having you join us!


Level Price Action

$65.00 per Year.


$32.50 per Year.
