
The foundational training in EFT is the four-day Externship offered by ChicagoEFT and other ICEEFT-affiliated Centers and Communities throughout the U.S. and around the world. Taught by Certified Trainers, they cover the basic theory and interventions of EFT and qualify participants for more advanced training.

Externships include:

  • Presentations on theory and key clinical interventions
  • Viewing and discussion of videos
  • Observation of live demonstration sessions
  • Facilitated role-play skills training exercises

Participants learn to:

  • Conceptualize relationship distress and repair based on theories of attachment and emotion
  • Build strong therapeutic alliances utilizing finely tuned validation and careful attunement.
  • Help partners access the more vulnerable emotions underlying repetitive destructive cycles
  • Shape new patterns of engagement by creating powerful enactments

Requirements to participate:

  • Participants have the educational training, qualifications, and professional credentials to practice as a mental health professional in the area where they live or are in a formal training program or supervised internship to become a mental health professional.
  • Participants agree to keep confidential the personal identifying information of case material shared in the training.
  • Participants agree not to record any part of this training in any format (audio, video, or visual).  Personal written notes of non-confidential material are permitted.

This training is recommended for all professionals who counsel couples, including marriage and family therapists, social workers, psychologists, licensed mental health counselors, psychiatrists and students preparing for these professions. Participants are strongly encouraged to prepare by reading Attachment Theory in Practice by Dr. Sue Johnson.

For more information on Externships in Chicago, visit the Events page. To locate Externships in other areas, visit iceeft.com

Upcoming Externship Events