Finding my “professional home”

by guest blogger, Ileana Ungureanu, MD, PhD, LMFT

I first learned about the EFT model in my MFT Master program. As any graduate student, I was looking for a theory, a model to be my ‘professional home’. While the systemic-based theories were appealing to me and the reason I chose this field, I struggled to find one that really fit my world view, the way I see life and how relationships work, especially intimate family and couple relationships. And then, the day came when I was introduced to EFT! WOW… it was love at first sight… (or first reading!)  I felt EFT was speaking my relationship language; this is how I think it works, now it all makes sense! And what is interesting, it is that I have heard these kinds of stories and reactions from other clinicians as well. All over the world! Believe it or not, I am still as enthusiastic about EFT as I was back then! My students can testify to this!  Either when teaching or supervising them, I can’t help but referring to EFT and attachment theories because it makes the most sense to me. 

Learning EFT has helped me not only be a better clinician, but also understand my own dynamics in relationships. I believe it has helped me to express more of my caring and made me a more patient person. Susan Johnson, the creator of the model, talks about A.R.E. as building blocks in creating attachment bonds: Accessibility (A), Responsiveness (R), and Engagement (E). While I am helping my clients with their A.R.E., I am constantly working on being more and more intentional with my own.

Another thing I found when I found my ‘professional home’ was a community of clinicians that share my enthusiasm and my views on therapy!  People who are committed to work on their own A.R.E. in the professional realm, in their journey of growth as EFTers, through the local EFT community (Chicago Center for EFT) and also through the world-wide community (International Center for Excellence in EFT). I am looking forward to meeting new fellow EFT enthusiasts in the near future!

The EFT Externship is the first step in getting trained in this cutting edge model!  The 2018 EFT Externship is coming up in June!  Don’t miss your chance to register!

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