Dear Colleagues,
We stand in solidarity today and every day with the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities who have experienced a significant increase in hate crimes against them over the past year of the coronavirus pandemic, including a mass shooting in Atlanta last week, six of whose victims were of Asian descent. We are horrified by hate crimes that name as “other” those who are our family, friends, and colleagues. We are all members of the human race and we seek to honor and include all.
EFT is grounded in safe relational connection. Alienation and exclusion are inherently traumatic. An assault against any of us is an assault against all of us. You are welcome here!
We long for the day when we no longer have to send such messages. In the meantime, each of us can offer comfort and support to members of our community who may be feeling targeted and vulnerable. Safety tips for those experiencing or witnessing hate and how to report it can be found here:
ChicagoEFT Board